

Confused about credibility given where it shouldn't...

I am bewildered how blatant, "False-Teachers" and "Solid Teachers" can exist side by side.

I am speaking directly of the "Quote" Christian Broadcasting...
Taking " TBN " for example... (The Blasphemy Network)

 As I was pointed today to yet another of Benny Hinns performances, I had also to note on the Schedule for TBN was a mix-mash of Goat food & Sheep food, Tares & Wheat, Bad fish & Good fish...

Or to put it another way...
(Not in exact order)
Questionable Preaching followed by Prosperity Preaching, followed by Feel good Preaching, followed by Self Help Preaching, followed by Biblical Preaching, followed by Divorced Woman in it for the money Preaching, followed by Worldly Preaching... Name it and claim it Preaching...

Mostly false teaching with a few sound teachings smattered  in between...

Part of me understands a desire to have a truthful presence...
But every tine I look at Scripture, and not only watch what Jesus did, but what He instructs...
Every time I look at what Jesus showed and taught through Paul...

I see that we are not to associate with such people.
(Osteen, White, Hinn, Dollar, Couch, Copeland etc...)
I see that we are to seek the lost, but not in towns where their hearts are hardened and we are told to shake the dust from our shoes of such places. Places where these people are there in response to those people gathering them unto themselves to have their ears tickled...

I see much unfortunate credibility being placed in TBN and the likes by having the claim of those few Truthful Preachers being part of their Schedule.

One of my issues  is if I share the shamefulness of those Prosperity-Name it Claim it preachers on these "for-profit" Networks, is that they can right back to me, isn't that the station where your "sound teacher" is on also?

Hence a major red-herring...

What say you?


1 comment:

  1. I hear ya. I have often pondered that myself. I don't know the answer.
    I do know that it is the same with everything though. Even in a "Christian Bookstore" the false teaching is right alongside the sound biblical. And pretty much every station on TV has questionable content. Even on the radio I'll hear a good teach and then a false one (not as often on radio though).
    I see two things:
    One - a little leaven spoils the whole batch.
    Two - Jesus ate with sinners and tax collectors.

    I usually don't care in the same way that InTouch is on a station that later has TNA Pro Wrestling, or some other questionable content. Because it seems more like a light shining in a dark world.
    But in the case of TBN, it seems almost ecumenical, or like the good ministries are approving of the bad by being on that channel.
    I don't know the answer, but I'm at least glad I can find ministries like John MacArthur, Charles Stanley, WOTM, David Jeremiah, etc. on TV.
